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  • Robert G. Brody was awarded the Best Mentor Award at the Connecticut Law Tribune’s fourth annual Professional Excellence Awards.  This award honors attorneys who have taken it upon themselves to provide valuable knowledge to the next generation of leaders and pave the way for them to make their own stellar contributions to the industry.
  • Katherine M. Bogard was awarded the New Leaders in the Law Award at the Connecticut Law Tribune’s fourth annual Professional Excellence Awards.  This award recognizes lawyers under the age of 40 who have excelled in the courtroom, in client service and cultivation, in service to bar associations and in performing pro bono work or community service in a volunteer capacity.
  • On Monday, April 30, 2018, Brody and Associates served dinner at the Gillespie Center in Westport, Connecticut. The Gillespie Center is a non-denominational homeless shelter for men and a place where both men and women in Westport can sit down to have a warm meal. Dinner included delicious enchiladas, fresh fruit, juice, and more. Brody and Associates is always glad to lend a hand as part of our ongoing efforts to give back to the community.